Colorado Outfitters Association

“Working together to protect, maintain and enhance the opportunity to hunt, fish and enjoy the Colorado outdoors.”

Phone: (970) 824-2468

COA Sportman's Defense Fund


Protect sportsmen's rights and opportunities to hunt, fish and enjoy the Colorado outdoors!

You can help! Contribute to COA’s Sportsman's Defense Fund.

The Colorado Outfitters Association knows and understands the important role sportsmen play in Colorado's wildlife management and the economic impact all tourists and local sportsmen have on Colorado's economy. We represent you when we attend Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Commission meetings, local area wildlife meetings with State and Federal Agencies, SCI, RMEF and many other organizations in an ongoing effort to protect hunting and fishing rights and opportunities in Colorado.

Over the years, COA has presented conservation ideas to the Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) Commissioners and staff, and suggestions on how they can better manage their finances, wildlife, lands, and relationships to further engage all sportsmen.

We continue to fight against groups who want to further reduce ALL hunting opportunities and those who continually work to reduce the percentage of licenses that go to the non-resident hunters.  Statistics show that 54% of CPW’s budget comes from non-residents, which makes non-resident participation vital to CPW’s existence & their ability to manage wildlife! 

Our goal is to expand hunting & fishing opportunities for everyone and to find ways to provide a quality experience in Colorado’s outdoors.  This goal includes increasing the size and quality of our herds, as well as your ability to see game, obtain licenses, and hunt for trophy animals.

But we need your financial support to continue with these efforts.  As you all well know, the cost of traveling to meetings, hiring lawyers and lobbyists, and other related expenses all add up.

We would greatly appreciate your donation to our Sportsman’s Defense Fund.  Your donation will be used to promote Colorado as a viable tourist destination for all sportsmen. COA is a 501 c-6 organization and therefore donations are not tax-deductible.

Click below to donate with credit card OR you can send your check to:

COA - PO Box 849 - Craig, CO 81626

Thank you for your support!